The centerpiece of the newof the new CHP sample database will be the search function.
All projects will be equipped automatically with keywords (tags). These enable a rapid Live-Search.
A user will see in his “online” search how by narrowing down the search terms eg. “micro-CHP to 20 kW” and “Hotel” on the keyword combination “mini-CHP”, “Hotel” and “natural gas “the number of projects change.
In addition, an “expert search” will allow further detailing.
This will simplify the process for a hotel owner, for example. specifically looking for a CHP plant with 15-20 kW of electrical power in Hotel buildings.
The structured and modular database structure will provide excellent search functionality. The database will make “special cases” searchable-. So for example, by “co-generation plants in connection with solar thermal systems” or “ORC plants engine-CHP an utilisation of exhaust stream”.
The use of the database is free.